
 How do I get my home page to load automatically?

Your home page should be named index.html or index.htm and stored in your public_html directory...

 How do I upload my files?

You can use FTP, Frontpage or our File Manager to upload your files Your FTP server is :...

 What are your DNS servers?

Our welcome email should tell you what DNS servers to use but you can always use the following...

 What directory/folder should I use to store my web pages?

You should store your web pages in a directory called public_html, which is already created in...

 What is the full path to my home directory?

The full path to your home directory is "/home/your_username", e.g: if your username is...

 Where is my control panel?

You can use any of the following links to access your control panel: http://yourdomain/cpanel/...

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